
  • Professor of economics, Bordeaux University.
  • On temporary leave as the Advisor of the Cambodian Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports, February 1st, 2020.
  • Member of GREThA (UMR 5113)
  • Associate member of BETA (UMR 7522 du CNRS), Université Louis Pasteur de Strasbourg.

Previous Positions

  • 2008-2011: Professor, Aix Marseille University, GREQAM (UMR CNRS 6579)
  • 2000-2008: Professor, Bordeaux University, GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
  • 1992-2000: Assistant professor, Strasbourg University, BETA (UMR CNRS 7522)
  • 1989-1992: IEP Strasbourg, Ph.D. student and teaching assistant (ALER)

Research interests

Complex systems in economics, Industry Dynamics, Economics of Innovation, Economic Growth, Learning, Industrial Organisation, Computational economics, Agent Based Models, Evolutionary modeling.

Techniques and skills

  • Microeconomic modeling
  • Game theory
  • Computational economics
  • Agent based evolutionary modeling
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Classifier systems
  • Artificial neural networks
  • Basic econometric modeling
  • Languages for research: Java, R-Project, LaTeX, NetLogo, Php, HTML, Wordpress, MySQL, Perl, Visual Basic, C++,


  • Special mention of the Ph.D. prize competition Jury of French Economic Association (1992).
  • Beneficiary of PEDR/PES from 2004 on.
  • Member of the Advisory Council of the Society for Computational Economics (2015 - 2018).

Journals refereed for

  1. American Economic Review,
  2. Annales de l'Economie et de Statistiques,
  3. The Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modelling and Economic Dynamics (e-JEMED),
  4. Economics of Governance
  5. Economics of Innovation and New Technology
  6. Games and economic behavior
  7. Industrial and Corporate Change
  8. International Journal of Industrial Organization,
  9. International Journal of Systems Science,
  10. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management
  11. The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS),
  12. Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organisation,
  13. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,
  14. Journal of Economics
  15. Journal of Economic Growth,
  16. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination,
  17. Journal of the European Economic Association
  18. Journal of Evolutionay Economics,
  19. Metroeconomica,
  20. METU Development Studies,
  21. Regional Studies
  22. Research Policy
  23. Revue d'Economie Industrielle,
  24. Revue d'Economie Politique,
  25. Revue Economique,
  26. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.

Referee for Routledge Editions.

Founder and managing editor of the Electronic Journal of Evolutionary modelling and Economic Dynamics (e-JEMED).

Participation to scientific committees

  1. Member of the Scientific Committee of EARIE Conference, Copenhagen, 1998.
  2. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Lille, September 15-16, 2005.
  3. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Summer school on Modélisations et simulations multi-agents de systèmes complexes pour les Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, Principes et méthodes de conception et d’usage, Porquerolles Island, Septembre 19-24, 2005.
  4. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Aalborg, September 2006.
  5. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Palermo, September 2007.
  6. Member of the Program Committee of Multi-Agents for modelling Complex Systems (MA4CS), Dresden, October 2007.
  7. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Innsbruck, September 2008.
  8. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Valladolid, September, 2009.
  9. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Treviso, September 2010.
  10. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, The Hague, September 2011.
  11. Member of the council of ASSET ( ASsociation of Southern-European Economic Theorists), 2009-2011.
  12. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Castellón, September 2012.
  13. Member of the Scientific committee of the Special section on Agents behavior and artificial Markets, PAAMS Conference, Salamanca, May 22-24, 2013.
  14. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Klagenfurt, August, 2013.
  15. Member of the Scientific Committee of International Conference on Economic Computing, Washington D.C., September, 2013.
  16. Member of the Scientific committee of the Special section on Agents behavior and artificial Markets, PAAMS Conference, Salamanca, June 4-6, 2014.
  17. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Artificial Economics Conference, September 1st-2nd, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
  18. Member of the Scientific Committee of a special session on Agents Behaviours and Artificial Market in the, 12th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, University of Salamanca (Spain), 4th-6th June, 2014.
  19. Member of the Program committee of EconCom 2014, Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, August 4-7, 2014.
  20. Member of the Scientific Committee of the WEHIA Conference, Nice, France, May 21-23 2015.
  21. Member of the Scientific committee of the Special section on Agents behavior and artificial Markets, PAAMS Conference, Salamanca, June 3-5, 2015.
  22. Member of the Scientific Committee of the Artificial Economics Conference, September 3-4, 2015, Porto, Portugal
  23. Member of the Scientific committee of the Special section on Agents behavior and artificial Markets, PAAMS Conference, Sevilla, June 1-3, 2016.
  24. Member of the Scientific Committee of the WEHIA Conference, Castellón, Spain, June 22-24 2016.
  25. Member of the Scientific Committee of Artificial Economics Symposium, Rome, 20th-21st September 2016
  26. Member of the Program Committee of 29th International Conference Computing in Economics and Finance, Université Côte d’Azur – Nice, France, 3-6 July 2023.

  • Member of the academic council of the Society for Computational Economics, 2015-2018.

Organization of conferences:

  • Organization of the 2016 conference of the Society of Computational Economics at Bordeaux, June 26-28.
  • Organization of the First Bordeaux-Milano Workshop on Agent-Based Macroeconomic, June 4-5, 2015, in collaboration with Catholic University of Milan.
  • Organization of the First Bordeaux Workshop on Agent-Based Macroeconomic, November 7-8, 2013, in collaboration with the Bank of Finland.


Policy briefs and notes

  1. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (26 février). Quelques éléments sur les systèmes d'évaluation des universités. Note sur l'évaluation 1. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  2. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (2 mars). Premières réflexions sur la dynamique de la recherche académique au Cambodge. Note sur la recherche 1. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  3. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (16 mars). L'évaluation des universités par le HCéRES. Campagne d'évaluation des universités (2020-21). Note sur l'évaluation 1. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  4. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (19 mars, Version 2). Premières réflexions sur la dynamique de la recherche académique au Cambodge. Note sur la recherche 2. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  5. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (March 19). First reflections on the dynamics of academic research in Cambodia. Note sur la recherche 1 v2. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  6. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (31 mars). Le système des statuts académiques en France et ses leçons. Note sur les statuts académiques 1. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  7. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (April 7). Synthesis on potential instruments for reinforcing academic research in Cambodia. Note sur la recherche. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  8. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (April 17). Criteria used by disciplinary CNU sections in France. Note on academic ranks 1. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  9. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (April 29). Reading the Preah Reach Kret Regulating Professorship Ranks in the Cambodian Academic System: Some questions, remarks and suggestions. Note on academic ranks 3. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  10. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2020 (May 19). Comments on Prakas project Regulating Professorship Ranks in the Cambodian Academic System. Note on academic ranks 4. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  11. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (24 août)Le système d’enseignement en/du français au Cambodge : Fragilités potentielles et perspectives. Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 1, MOEYS. Expertise France.
  12. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (9 septembre) Schéma global de la formation des enseignants en France. Note sur la formation des enseignants 1, MOEYS. Expertise France.
  13. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (17 septembre) Note sur la formation des enseignants de premier degré en France. Note sur la formation des enseignants 2, MOEYS. Expertise France, 17 septembre 2020.
  14. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (2 octobre) Note sur la formation des enseignants du second degré en France. Note sur la formation des enseignants 3, MOEYS. Expertise France.
  15. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (5 octobre). Note sur la formation continue des enseignants en France. Note sur la formation des enseignants 4. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  16. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (7 octobre). Rapport sur la formation des enseignants en France. Note sur la formation des enseignants 5. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  17. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (31 octobre). Une comparaison internationale des approches. Note sur la formation des enseignants 6. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  18. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (19 novembre). La question de l’enseignement en milieu rural. Note sur la formation des enseignants 7. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  19. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (27 décembre). Les enjeux de l’enseignement à distance et/ou en ligne. Note sur la formation des enseignants 8. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  20. M. Yildizoglu. 2020 (27 décembre). Rapport sur la formation des enseignants. Tech. rept. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  21. M. Yildizoglu. 2021 (11 janvier). Observations et recommandations sur la formation des enseignants. Note sur la formation des enseignants 9. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  22. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2021 (11 mars). Note on Teacher education in Cambodia - 1: Observations on the general organization and on the TEC of Phnom Penh. Note sur la formation des enseignants 10. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  23. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2021 (5 juillet). Le système d’enseignement en/du français au Cambodge (2) : Mesures potentielles en vue de renforcer l’enseignement du français au Cambodge.
  24. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2021 (25 novembre). A University Model for Cambodian Academic System?
  25. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2021 (14 décembre). Le modèle universitaire d’ITC.
  26. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2022 (26 janvier). Towards international standards in higher education and research. Presentation in the National Conference on Outcomes and Impacts of Education Improvement Projects (English and Khmer).
  27. M. Yildizoglu, “Fact sheet on the university model of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (incomplete),” Note on University model for Cambodia 4, MOEYS. Expertise France, 2022.
  28. M. Yildizoglu, “Fact sheet on the university model of the Royal University of Agriculture (incomplete),” Note on University model for Cambodia 5, MOEYS. Expertise France, 2022.
  29. M. Yildizoglu, “Questions on the last prakas on professorship ranks 24082020,” Note on academic ranks 4, MOEYS. Expertise France, July 25 2022.
  30. M. Yildizoglu, “Le modéle universitaire de l’URPP partie 1 : Vision globale sur l’autonomie stratégique de l’établissement,” Note on University model for Cambodia 6, MOEYS, 2022.
  31. M. Yildizoglu, “Le modéle universitaire de l’Université Royale de Phnom Penh (RUPP),” Note on University model for Cambodia 7, MOEYS, 2022.
  32. M. Yildizoglu, “Observations sur le modèle universitaire de l’Université Royale de Phnom penh (RUPP),” Note on University model for Cambodia 8, MOEYS, October 2022.
  33. M. Yildizoglu, “Compte rendu des visites aux classes bilingues à Ta Khmao,” Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 3, MOEYS. Expertise France, Janvier 2023.
  34. M. Yildizoglu, “Le modéle universitaire de l’Université Royale d’Agriculture (RUA),” Note on University model for Cambodia 9, MOEYS, 2023.
  35. M. Yildizoglu, “Compte rendu des visites aux classes bilingues du Lycée Chea Sim à Takeo,” Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 4, MOEYS. Expertise France, Janvier 2023.
  36. M. Yildizoglu, “Compte rendu des visites aux classes bilingues à Sihanoukville,” Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 5, MOEYS. Expertise France, Février 2023.
  37. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023 (Février). Compte rendu des visites aux classes bilingues à Kampong Cham. Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 6. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  38. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023 (Février). Compte rendu des visites aux écoles francophones de Battambang. Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 7. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  39. M. Yildizoglu, “Observations générales sur l’enseignement du français dans le primaire et le secondaire,” Rapport sur l’enseignement du/en français 6, MOEYS. Expertise France, Février 2023.
  40. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023 (May 29). The ACC Model of University Assessment - 1: Structure and practical organization. Note sur l’évaluation 3. MOEYS, Expertise France.
  41. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023. Petit compte-rendu sur la réunion 2023 du Consortium international d’appui à l’ITC. Note ESR. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  42. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023. Fact sheet on the University Model of the National University of Battambang (incomplete). Note on University model for Cambodia 10. MOEYS. Expertise France.
  43. Yildizoglu, Murat. 2023. Le modèle universitaire de l’Université Nationale de Battambang (NUBB). Note on University model for Cambodia 11. MOEYS.
  44. M. Yildizoglu, “Les défis éducatifs actuels au Cambodge,” publication dans le newsletter du Pôle REX, Expertise France, Mai 2024.
  45. M. Yildizoglu, “Observations on the ACC model of higher education assessment,” Note sur l’évaluation 3, MOEYS, Expertise France, February 18 2024.
  46. M. Yildizoglu, “Notes sur l’enseignement technique au Cambodge,” tech. rep., Expertise France, Mars 2024.
  47. M. Yildizoglu, “Strengthening the Cambodian university model,” Note on University model for Cambodia 11, MOEYS. Expertise France, June 2024.
  48. M. Yildizoglu, “A quick bibliometric analysis: Publications by Cambodian researchers over the last five years (2019-2024) on Scopus,” Note sur la recherche 4, MOEYS, Expertise France, July 6 2024.

Articles in refereed journals

  1. M. Yildizoglu, A path towards “international standards” for the Cambodian academic system?, Cambodian Journal of Education Research, 2022, vol 2(1), 8-36.
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  2. J. Arifovic, M. Yildizoglu, Learning the Ramsey outcome in a Kydland & Prescott economy, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, vol. 157, 191-208, 2019.
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  3. I. Salle, M.-A. Sénégas and M. Yildizoglu, How Transparent About Its Inflation Target Should a Central Bank be? An Agent-Based Model Assessment, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, , vol. 24(1), pages 391-427, 2019.
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  4. M. Yildizoglu, Evrimsel Dinamikler ve İktisadi Karmaşıklık (Evolutionary Dynamics and Economic Complexity, in Turkish), Yıldız Technical University Review, vol. 3(2), 2018.
  5. I. Salle, M. Zumpe, M. Yildizoglu and M.-A. Sénégas, Coordination through Social Learning in a General Equilibrium Model, Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, Volume 141, pages 64-82, 2017.
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  6. Yildizoglu M., M.-A. Sénégas, I. Salle and M. Zumpe, "Learning the optimal buffer-stock consumption rule of Carroll", Macroeconomic Dynamics, volume 18, issue 4, pp. 727-75, 2014.
    Abstract - Local copy
  7. I. Salle, M. Yildizoglu, "Efficient Sampling and Metamodeling for Computational Economic Models", Computational Economics, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp 507-536, 2014.
    Abstract - Local copy
  8. Salle I., Murat Yıldızoğlu, Marc-Alexandre Sénégas, Inflation targeting in a learning economy: an ABM perspective, Economic modelling, Volume 34, Pages 114–128, 2013.
    Abstract - Local copy
  9. T. Vallée, M. Yildizoglu, "Can they beat the Cournot equilibrium? Learning with memory and convergence to equilibria in a Cournot oligopoly", Computational Economics, Volume 41 (4), Pages 493-516, 2013.
    Abstract - Local copy
  10. Rahmouni M., M. Ayadi, M. Yildizoglu "Characteristics of innovating manufacturing firms in Tunisia: the essential role of external knowledge sources", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 21: 3, 181-196, 2010.
    Abstract - Local copy
  11. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Convergence in the Finite Cournot Oligopoly with Social and Individual Learning", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 72, 670-690, 2009.
    Abstract - Local copy
  12. Carayol N., P. Roux , M. Yildizoglu,"Inefficiencies in a model of spatial networks formation with positive externalities", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 67: 2, 495-511,2008.
    Abstract - Local copy
  13. Carayol N., P. Roux , M. Yildizoglu,, " In search of efficient network structures: The needle in the haystack", Review of Economic Design, 11, 339-359, 2008.
    Abstract - Local copy
  14. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Social and Technological Efficiency of Patent Systems", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 16,189-206, 2006.
    Abstract - Local copy - Statistical Appendix
  15. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, "Organizational performance in hierarchies and communities of practice ", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 61, 668-690, 2006.
    API docs of all classes - Appendix - Abstract - Local copy
  16. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, " Présentation des algorithmes génétiques et de leurs applications en économie", Revue d'Economie Politique, 114, 711-745, 2004.
    Abstract - Local copy
  17. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, P. Cohendet, "Morphogenèse de communautés de pratique ", Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 103, p.91-110, 2003.
    API docs of all classes - Abstract - Local copy
  18. Yildizoglu M., " Competing R&D Strategies in an Evolutionary Industry Model ", Computational Economics, 2002, 19:51-65, 2002.
    Abstract - Local copy
  19. Yildizoglu M., " Connecting adaptive behaviour and expectations in models of innovation: The Potential Role of Artificial Neural Networks ", European Journal of Economic and Social Systems, 15(3), 2001.
    API docs of all classes - Abstract - Local copy
  20. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, " Technological diversity in an evolutionary industry model with localized learning and network externalities ", Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol 9(1), pp.33-51, 1998.
    Full Appendix - Abstract - Local copy
  21. Yildizoglu M., " Investissement stratégique, incertitude et effet d'irréversibilité ", Annales de l'Économie et de Statistique, n°35, 1994.

Books and book chapters

  1. Yildizoglu M. and E. Zuscovitch, "Market Occupation in a Circular Market: Product innovation and/or patenting", in Thierry Burger-Helmchen (éd), "The Economics of Creativity. Ideas, Firms and Markets", Routledge, 384 pages, 2013.
  2. Yildizoglu M., "Introduction à la théorie des jeux", Dunod, collection Eco-Sup, 2eme édition, avril 2011.
  3. Yildizoglu, M. 'Modélisation évolutionniste de la dynamique économique', Chapitre 1 in Belis-Bergouignan et all (2011). Cahier du GREThA, 2009-16
  4. Belis-Bergouignan, M.-C., B. Jullien, Y. Lung et M. Yildizoglu (coord.), Industries, Innovations, Institutions Eléments de dynamique industrielle, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, Pessac, 2011.
  5. Yildizoglu, M. "Reinforcing the patent system? Effects of patent fences and knowledge diffusion on the development of new industries, technical progress and social welfare", in Cantner, U., J.-L. Gaffard and L. Nesta (eds), "Schumpeterian Perspectives on Innovation, Competetion and Growth", Springer, 2009.
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  6. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Social and Technological Efficiency of Patent Systems", in Cantner and Malerba (ed), (2007), Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation Schumpeterian Legacies,Springer (reprint of Vallée and Yildizoglu, 2006, JEE).
  7. Yildizoglu M., "Introduction à la théorie des jeux", Dunod, collection Eco-Sup, september 2003.
  8. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Interaction of Local interactions", in Cohendet et all. (éds), "Networks, local interactions and global phenomena", Springer Verlag, 1998.
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Working papers

  1. Arifovic, J. and M. Yildizoglu, Learning the Ramsey outcome in a Kydland & Prescott economy, Cahier du GREThA, 2014-06, 2014.
  2. I. Salle, M.-A. Sénégas and M. Yildizoglu, How Transparent About Its Inflation Target Should a Central Bank be? An Agent-Based Model Assessment, Cahiers du GREThA, 2013-24.
  3. I. Salle, M. Zumpe, M. Yildizoglu and M.-A. Sénégas, Modelling Social Learning in an Agent-Based New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model, Cahiers du GREThA, 2012-20.
  4. Rahmouni M. and M. Yildizoglu, Motivations et déterminants de l'innovation technologique: Un survol des théories modernes, Document de travail du GREQAM, N°2011-09, Cahier du GREThA N°2011-10, March 2011.
  5. Ayadi M., M. Rahmouni, M. Yildizoglu, Sectoral patterns of innovation in a developing country: The Tunisian case, Cahier du GREThA N°2007-19, 2007.
    Abstract - Statistical appendix
  6. Silverberg G., M. Yildizoglu, "An Evolutionary Interpretation of the Aghion & Howitt (1992) Model", WP E3i: 2002-3.
  7. Yildizoglu M., "Modeling Adaptive Learning: R&D Strategies in the Model of Nelson & Winter (1982)", Working Papers of E3i, 2001.
    Abstract - API docs of all classes - Local copy
  8. Oltra V., Yildizoglu M., "Expectations and Adaptive Behaviours: the Missing Trade-off in Models of Innovation", WP BETA n°9915.
    Abstract - Local copy
  9. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Sources of Technological Diversity", Cahiers de l'Innovation du CNRS, n°99030.
    Abstract - Local copy
  10. Echard R., F. Pla, H. Stahn, M. Yildizoglu, "Information asymétrique et bien-être : le marché de la distribution", Working Papers du BETA, n° 9612
    Abstract - Local copy
  11. Yildizoglu M., "Technology Choice and Variable Scale Entry under Incomplete Information", Working Paper of BETA n°9415, 1994.
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Invited seminars

  1. 1. Agent-based Modelling of Fisheries, DOCKSIDE Workshop, Battambagh, October 1-6, 2018.
  2. Economic complexity: A minimalistic model of fisheries, DOCKSIDE Workshop, Phnom Penh, October 18-20, 2017.
  3. Coevolution of expectations and monetary policy in a simple Kydland & Prescott economy, Institute of Economics, Sant' Anna Scuole Superiore, Pisa, May 26, 2016.
  4. Coevolution of expectations and monetary policy in a simple Kydland & Prescott economy, LEMNA-IAE, Nantes, March 31, 2016.
  5. Preconference workshop on Agent based models in economics and finance, 2015 CEF conference, Taipei.
  6. INET workshop on Agent-based Modeling and Stock Flow Consistent Macroeconomics, Monte Conero, Sirolo, Italy, September 19-20, 2014.
  7. Characteristics of the innovating firms in a developing country: The Tunisian case, KID Summer School, Nice, July 9-12, 2014.
  8. Modelling Social Learning in an Agent-Based New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model, GREQAM, Aix Marseille University, September 21, 2012.
  9. Learning the optimal buffer-stock consumption rule of Carroll, BETA, Université de Strasbourg, December 9, 2011.
  10. Reinforcing the patent system? Patent fencing, knowledge diffusion and welfare, INRA-GAEL, Grenoble, December 13, 2008.
  11. Reinforcing the patent system? Patent fencing, knowledge diffusion and welfare, GREQAM Summer School, Aix en Provence, 14-17 Octobre, 2008.
  12. Reinforcing the patent system? Patent fencing, knowledge diffusion and welfare, Cournot seminar, BETA, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg December 21 2007.
  13. Convergence in Finite Cournot Oligopoly with Social and Individual Learning, Conference in Honor of Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Strasbourg 19-20 October 2007.
  14. Do we really need a stronger patent system? Patent system, knowledge diffusion and welfare, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Tunis, May 22, 2007.
  15. Analyse évolutionniste de la dynamique économique, Université de Galatasaray, Istanbul, April 3, 2007.
  16. Applications of evolutionary modeling: Learning and patents, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, December 27, 2006.
  17. Analyse évolutionniste de la dynamique économique, Ecole de Management de Bordeaux, December 19, 2006.
  18. Social and Technological Efficiency of Patent Systems, ECIS, Eindhoven University, June 8, 2005, Eindhoven.
  19. Modélisation évolutionniste de la dynamique économique, Département d'Econométrie, Université de Genève, May 20, 2005, Geneva.
  20. Innovation and patenting, invited conference at the Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days, April 15-17, 2004, Strasbourg.
  21. Competing R&D Strategies, Séminaire à CREUSET, l'Université Jean Monnaie Saint-Etienne, March 29, 2001.
  22. Expectations and Adaptive Behaviours: the Missing Trade-off in Models of Innovation, Presentation at IFREDE-E3I, Université Bordeaux IV, November 4, 1998.
  23. Market Occupation, Patenting and Entry Barriers in a Circular Market, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, October 17 1995.


  1. M. YIldizoglu, Coevolution of expectations and monetary policy in as simple Kydland & Prescott economy, WEHIA Conference, Nice, France, May 21-23 2015.
  2. I. Salle, M.-A. Sénégas, M. Yildizoglu and M. Zumpe, Modeling Social Learning in an Agent–Based Baseline Macro Model, Society for Computational Economics Conference, June 22-24, 2014, Oslo.
  3. I. Salle and M. Yildizoglu, Efficient Sampling and Meta-modeling for Computational Economic Models, MAGECO seminar, Lip6, June 7, 2014.
  4. I. Salle, M.-A. Sénégas and M. Yildizoglu, How Transparent About Its Inflation Target Should a Central Bank be? An Agent-Based Model Assessment, Society for Computational Economics Conference, July 10-12, 2013, Vancouver.
  5. J. Arifovic and Murat Yildizoglu, Adaptive learning with expectations to control an heterogeneous agents economy, Society for Computational Economics Conference, June 27-29, 2012, Prague.
  6. I. Salle, M. Yildizoglu and M.-A. Sénégas, Modeling Social Learning in an Agent-Based New Keynesian Macroeconomic Model, Society for Computational Economics Conference, June 27-29, 2012, Prague.
  7. I. Salle, M. Yildizoglu and M.-A. Sénégas, Inflation targeting in a learning economy: An ABM perspective, Society for Computational Economics Conference, June 27-29, 2012, Prague.
  8. Yildizoglu M., Sénégas M.-A., Salle I. et M. Zumpe, "Learning the optimal buffer-stock consumption rule of Carroll", Society for Computational Economics, 17th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, June 29 - July 1, 2011, San Francisco.
  9. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, "Organisational design, ambidexterity and switching to a new core technology", DIME Final Conference, 6-8 April 2011, Maastricht.
  10. Ayadi M., M. Rahmouni, M. Yildizoglu, "Characteristics of Innovating Firms in Tunisia: the Essential Role of External Knowledge Sources", October 29-30, 2010, Alicante, Spain.
  11. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Can They Beat the Cournot Equilibrium? Learning with Memory and Convergence to Equilibrium in a Cournot Oligopoly", 16th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, July 15-17, 2010, London
  12. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Convergence in the Finite Cournot Oligopoly with Social and Individual Learning", ASSET Conference, Istanbul, October 30-31, 2009.
  13. Ayadi M., M. Rahmouni, M. Yildizoglu, "Determinants of the innovation propensity in Tunisia: the central role of external knowledge sources", AFSE Thematic meeting on "Firms, Markets and Innovation”, Nice, June 25-26, 2009.
  14. Ayadi M., M. Rahmouni, M. Yildizoglu, Sectoral patterns of innovation in a developing country: The Tunisian case, Kantaoui Forum Conference, Sousse, Tunisia, October 29-31, 2007.
  15. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Convergence in Finite Cournot Oligopoly with Social and Individual Learning", Society for Computational Economics Conference, Montréal, 14-16 Juin, 2007.
  16. Taymaz E., M. Yildizoglu, "Technical Progress, Labour Relations and Capitalist Dynamics", Society for Computational Economics Conference, Montréal, June 14-16, 2007.
  17. Yildizoglu M., "Reinforcement of patent system, knowledge diffusion and welfare", International Schumpeter Society Conference, Nice, June 21-24, 2006
  18. Yildizoglu M., "Patent fencing, information diffusion and welfare", DIME Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights, Birkbeck College, London, March 23-24, 2006.
  19. Carayol N., P. Roux , M. Yildizoglu, "Coordination Failures in Network Formation", ACEPOL05 Workshop, ZIF, Bielefeld, Germany, June 30, 2005 - July, 2, 2005.
  20. Carayol N., P. Roux , M. Yildizoglu, "Efficiency of Network Structures: The Needle in the Haystack", Journée Réseau, LEREPS, Université Toulouse I, March 24, 2005.
  21. Carayol N., P. Roux , M. Yildizoglu, "Efficiency of Network Structures: The Needle in the Haystack", Workshop I-Neck (innovation, Networks andthe Creation of Knowledge), Université Louis Paster Strasbourg I, April 29-30, 2005.
  22. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Social and Technological Efficiency of Patent Systems", 10th Schumpeter Conference, June 9-12, 2004, Milan.
  23. Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Social and Technological Efficiency of Patent Systems", The 10th International Conference on Computing in Economics and Finance, July 8-10, 2004, Amsterdam.
  24. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, "Organizational performance in hierarchies and communities of practice", SCE Workshop on Complex Behavior in Economics, Aix en Provence, May 7-11, 2003.
  25. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, "Organizational performance in hierarchies and communities of practice", WEHIA 2003 Workshop, Kiel May 29-31.
  26. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, "Organizational performance in hierarchies and communities of practice", The 4th Congress on Proximity Economics, Marseille, June 17-18, 2004.
  27. Dupouët O., M. Yildizoglu, P. Cohendet, "Morphogenèse des communautés de pratique", E-GOST European Workshop, Strasbourg, Strasbourg, April 3-4, 2003.
  28. Yildizoglu, M. "Connecting adaptive behaviour and expectations in models of innovation: The Potential Role of Artificial Neural Networks", Society for Computational Conference, Aix-en Provence, June 2002;
  29. Yildizoglu, M. "Connecting adaptive behaviour and expectations in models of innovation: The Potential Role of Artificial Neural Networks", EARIE Annual Conference, Barcelona, September 2002.
  30. Silverberg G., M. Yildizoglu, "An Evolutionary Interpretation of the Aghion & Howitt (1992) Model", in collaboration with Gerald Silverberg (MERIT), Society for Computational Economics Conference, Aix-en Provence, June 2002.
  31. Yildizoglu, M. , "Modeling Adaptive Learning: R&D Strategies in the Model of Nelson & Winter (1982)", DRUID's Nelson and Winter Conference, June 12-15, 2001, Aalborg, Danemak.
  32. Yildizoglu, M. , "Creating a New Electronic Journal: e-JEMED", 2nd Workshop on Electronic Publishing, CERN, Geneva, March 31, 2000.
  33. Yildizoglu, M. , "Technologie et dynamiques industrielles", séminaire BETA-Theme, 5 octobre 1999.
  34. Yildizoglu, M. , "Competing R&D Strategies", Brest Conference on Public Policy, Brest, June 10-1, 1999.
  35. Yildizoglu, M. , "Competing R&D Strategies", Society for Computational Economics Conference, Boston College, June 24-26, 1999.
  36. Yildizoglu, M. , "Competing R&D Strategies", SCE Workshop on Complex Behavior in Economics, Aix en Provence, May 4-6, 2000.
  37. Yildizoglu, M. , "Competing R&D Strategies", WEHIA 2000, Marseille, June 15-17, 2000.
  38. Yildizoglu, M. , "Competing R&D Strategies", ICCS & SSII Conference, Paris, September 18-20, 2000.
  39. Oltra V., Yildizoglu M., "Expectations and Adaptive Behaviours: the Missing Trade-off in Models of Innovation", 10th EAEPE Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November 5-8, 1998.
  40. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Sources of Technological Diversity", 7th Conference of International J.A. Schumpeter Society, Vienna, June 13-16, 1998.
  41. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Evolution and Diversity in an Industry Model with Localized Learning and Network Externalities", MERIT/METEOR Conference on Innovation, Evolution and Technology, August 25-27, 1996, Maastricht (NL).
  42. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Evolution and Diversity in an Industry Model with Localized Learning and Network Externalities", Workshop Economic Evolution, Learning and Complexity - Econometric, Experimental and Simulation Approaches Augsburg, May 23-25, 1997
  43. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Evolution and Diversity in an Industry Model with Localized Learning and Network Externalities", Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory Conference on Economic Theory and Applications, June 16-21, 1997, Antalya Turkey.
  44. Jonard N., M. Yildizoglu, "Evolution and Diversity in an Industry Model with Localized Learning and Network Externalities", Third International Conference on Computation in Economics and Finance, Stanford University, June 30-July 2, 1997.
  45. Yildizoglu M., E. Zuscovitch, "Diversity and Appropriation in Market Competition with Entry: Product Differentiation and Patent Protection", 6th Conference of International J.A. Schumpeter Society, Stockholm, June 3-5, 1996.
  46. Yildizoglu M.,"Technological Flexibility vs. Efficiency and Variable Scale Entry", 1995 Asset Meeting, October 20-21 1995, Istanbul, Turkey.
  47. Yildizoglu M.,"Technology Choice and Tip-toe Entry under Incomplete Information", EARIE Conference, Juan-les-Pins, September 1995.
  48. Yildizoglu M.,"Incomplete Information, Flexibility and Entry Barriers", 9th Meeting of Applied Microeconomics, Strasbourg, June 4-5 1992 (in French) and Spring School in International Economics and Industrial Organisation, Aix-en-Provence, May 25-27 1993.
  49. Yildizoglu M.,"Strategic Investment, Uncertainty and Irreversibility Effect", 8th Meeting of Applied Microeconomics, Caen, May 30-31 1991.
  50. Yildizoglu M., "Entry Barriers, Flexibility and Uncertainty", The firm and Turbulences: Decision in her Environment, IVAR, Paris-Dauphine University, May 16-17 1990.

Participation to Ph.D. and Habilitation committees

  1. Thanh Thuan Huynh's Ph. D. Thesis, Competences, Product Innovation, Growth and Employment. An Agent-Based Ap- proach, Paris II University, July 1, 2019.
  2. Renginar Dayangaç's Ph. D. Thesis, Essaies sur les retraites : Les enjeux de l’informalité et de l’incertitude, University of Le Mans, May 22, 2019.
  3. Salih Cevikarslan's Ph.D. thesis, Innovation Strategies And Their Implications For Technological Change And Market Outcomes, UNU-MERIT, Masstricht.
  4. Aurélien Nioche's Ph.D. thesis, From homo-œconomicus to non-human primate : Three case studies on the cognitive micro-foundations of economics, University of Bordeaux, October 31, 2018.
  5. Jean Belin's HDR, October 15, 2018, University of Bordeaux (garant d'habilitation).
  6. Nikola Kutin's Ph.D. Thesis on "Structure de marché du secteur du transport maritime de lignes régulières : Une analyse du réseau maritime, de l’efficacité portuaire et de la concurrence", National University of Management, Phnom Penh, September 29, 2018 (external examiner - rapporteur externe).
  7. Johannes van der Pol's Ph.D. Thesis on ”Social network of firms, innovation and industrial performance”, Bordeaux University,, IDEX International, November 17, 2016 (co-supervisor).
  8. Pascal Aßmuth's Ph.D. Thesis on "Spéculation and the economy", Bielefeld University and Paris 1, January 8, 2016 (external examiner - rapporteur externe).
  9. Roger Waldeck, HDR in economics on "Complexité et systèmes sociaux: De l'expérimentation vers la modélisation", Strasbourg University, July 2, 2014 (external examiner - rapporteur externe).
  10. Jeanne Marie Rose FORTILUS's Ph.D. thesis, Modélisation bioéconomique des pêcheries thonières : Mise en place des aires marines protégées en haute mer de l’Océan Indien, Nantes University, December 14, 2012 (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  11. Isabelle Salle's Ph.D. thesis on "Learning, Heterogeneity and Monetary Policy : an application to inflation targeting regimes", Université Bordeaux IV, December 11, 2012, (co-directeur / co-supervisor).
  12. Tania Treibich's Ph.D. thesis on "Trois Essais sur la Dynamique Industrielle : Banques, Investissement et Performance Economique", Université de Nice, November 26, 2012 (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  13. Martin Zumpe's Ph.D. thesis on "Stabilité macroéconomique, apprentissage et politique monétaire", Université Bordeaux IV, September 14, 2012, (co-directeur / co-supervisor).
  14. Philippe Delacote, HDR in economics, "Les forêts du Nord au Sud : Gestion Locale et Internationale", CIRED, March 30, 2012.
  15. Mohieddine Rahmouni's Ph.D. thesis on "Déterminants du comportement d'innovation des entreprises en Tunisie", Université Bordeaux IV, July 4, 2011 (as one of the co-supervisors of the thesis / co-directeur). Actual position of Mohieddine Rahmouni: assistant, ESSEC Tunis.
  16. Adrien QUERBES-REVIER's Ph.D. thesis on "Emergence et évolution de l'industrie des services numériques pour téléphones mobiles", January 4, 2011, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, MSHA
  17. Ghazi Ben Jaballah's Ph.D. thesis on "Compétences, architecture organisationnelle et capacité d'absorption de la technologie", Université Paris 2, January 22, 2010.
  18. Eric Brouillat's Ph.D. thesis on "Dynamique industrielle et innovation environnementale : le cas de la prévention des déchets", Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, November 24, 2008 (as the president of the committee).
  19. Olivier Dupouët, HDR in management, Structures organisationnelles et performance, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, juillet 2008.
  20. Nicolas Hérault's Ph.D. thesis on "Mondialisation, pauvreté et inégalité : Un modèle de micro-simulation en équilibre général appliqué à l’évaluation de la libéralisation commerciale en Afrique du Sud, Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, September 22, 2006.
  21. Hassan AZDIMOUSA's Ph.D. thesis on "Vente en ligne et vente en magasin : entre concurrence et complémentarité", Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg 1, July 5, 2006 (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  22. Önder Normaler's Ph.D. thesis on "Technological Change, International Trade and Growth", University of Maastricht, January 26, 2006.
  23. Marie Coris's Ph.D. thesis on "Le logiciel libre : émergence et hybridation d'une alternative productive", Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, 16 décembre 2004 (as the president of the committee).
  24. Morad Diani's Ph.D thesis on "Economie évolutionniste et culture d'entreprise", Université Louis Pasteur Strasbourg I, decembre 15, 2003 (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  25. Patrick Rondé, HDR thesis en Sciences économiques, Université Haute Alsace, septembre 10, 2003, France (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  26. Maïder Saint-Jean's Ph.D thesis on "Emergence et diffusion des technologies propres au sein des relations verticales interfirmes", Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, December 13, 2002, France (internal examiner- rapporteur interne).
  27. Cora-Lyne Soler's Ph.D thesis on "Analyse économique de l'arbitrage entre brevet et secret", Université Lumière Lyon II, January 4, 2001, France (as the president of the committee).
  28. Roland Rizoulières's Ph.D thesis on "L'entrepreneur et les processus de compétition industrielle et technologique", Université d'Aix-Marseille II, December 18, 2000, France (external examiner- rapporteur externe).
  29. Marco Valente's Ph.D thesis on "Evolutionary Economics and Computer Simulations: A Model for the Evolution of Markets", Department of Business Studies, Aalborg University, February 11, 2000, Denmark (external examiner- rapporteur externe).

Research contracts

  • University research grant on Agent-based macroeconomics (2013)
  • Member of the DIME NoE.
  • "Evolutionary Modelling of Economic Dynamics", CCRRDT Research Program of the Aquitaine Region, 2003-2006.
  • CNRS Research Program "Les enjeux économiques de l'innovation", 1997-2000.
  • Economics of Networks, research contract of BETA with France Télécom, 1995-1997.
  • Information and Regulation of Exchanges, Final Report of the research contract with the French Ministry of Education, in collaboration with Rodolphe Echard, François Pla and Hubert Stahn, 1994 (in French).
  • Cooperation Agreements in the Telecommunications Sector, Research Report for the contract with France Télécom, in collaboration with Patrick Llerena, Gisèle Umbhauer and Sandrine Wolff, 1991(in French).

Ph.D. supervision

  • Johannes van der Pol, “Social network of firms, innovation and industrial performance”, co-supervision with Andreas Pyka, University of Hohenheim. October 2012-.November 2016. Current position (starting August 2022): Assistant professor, Copernic Institute, University of Utrecht
  • Anissa Saumtally, “Technical progress, intellectual property rights and economic catch-up”. October 2012-.December 2017. Current position: Economist, OFCE, SciencesPo, Paris.
  • Isabelle Salle, “Learning, heterogeneity and monetary policy: Application to inflation targeting regimes”, co-supervision with Marc-Alexandre Sénégas, October 2008 - December 2012. Thesis defended at December 11, 2012. Highest honors. Current position: Senior researcher, Bank of Canada, November 2018–. Past positions: Assistant professor of economics, Utrecht University, 2016-2018; Postdoctoral student at CeNDEF Amsterdam University, June 2013-2016; Postdoctoral student at ILO, Geneva, Switzerland, 2012-2013.
  • Martin Zumpe, “ Learning and monetary policy in Euro Zone “, co-supervision with Marc-Alexandre Sénégas, October 2007 - September 2012. Thesis defended at September 14, 2012. Highest honors. Current position: Research engineer at Bordeaux University, since 2012.
  • Mohieddine Rahmouni, “ Economic and technological performance of Tunisian firms “, direction in collaboration with Professor Mohammed Ayadi of the University of Tunis, October 2005 - 2011. Thesis defended at July 4, 2011. Highest honors. Current position: Assistant professor, Community College in Abqaiq, King Faisal University.


  • Mode d'emploi : Illustration de l'accès et de l'utilisation des principales bases de données sur la croissance économique avec R-Project
  • President of the Committee for HCRES, research unit evaluation, October 2018.
  • Scientific director of the Graduate Schools Project "Economics and Data science", University of Bordeaux, 2017.
  • Member of the Hiring Committee in Finance for a professorship in economics and management, Bordeaux University, 2013.
  • External member of the Hiring Committee for a professorship in economics, Nice University, 2013.
  • External member of the hiring committee for a position concerning "Economic logistics", University of Nantes, May 2012.
  • President of the hiring committee for a position concerning "Economics of innovation", University of Bordeaux, May 2012.
  • External member of the hiring committee for a position concerning "RIsk and uncertainty economics", University of Strasbourg, May 2010.
  • External member of the hiring committee for a position concerning "Game theory", University of Aix-Marseille 2, May 2009.
  • External member of the hiring committee for a position concerning "Economics and firm theory", University of Strasbourg, May 2009.
  • Expert for the French National Evaluation Agency (AERES) : President of two evaluation committees, 2008-2009.
  • Expert for the European Science Foundation.
  • Expert for the Swiss National Science Foundation (Fonds National Suisse).
  • Expert for the French National Research Agency (ANR).
  • Member of the Scientific evaluation committee in Economics of the French Ministry of Education and Research (MSTP) (2003-2007).
  • Member of the Society of Computational Economics
  • Creator of Evolutionary Economics mailing list of NEP