Introduction to Evolutionary Modeling
Master 2nd year Economics and Management of Innovation
Strasbourg University
Murat Yildizoglu
Bordeaux University
This course aims to introduce the students to a vision of the economy as
a complex adaptive system, and to the agent-based evolutionary modeling
of economic dynamics. The course also includes a practical introduction
to a modeling platform (NetLogo) through two simple applications that
will be developed by the students.
Outline of the lectures
Chapter 0: Economy as a complex adaptive system (1h) - Handout
Chapter 1: How economics usually model the economy? (1h) - Handout
Chapter 2: Shortcomings of the standard approach and a potential alternative (2h) - Handout
Chapter 3: An introduction to NetLogo (6h) - Handout - Example's NetLogo program (Right-click, Save as)
Chapter 4: Application: routinized R&D behavior, innovation and industrial dynamics (Nelson & Winter, 1982) (5h) - Handout
- NetLogo Program (Right-click, Save as)
- Miller, John H., & Page, Scott E. 2007. Complex Adaptive Systems. Princeton University Press.
- Nelson, R. and S. Winter, 1984, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Belknapp Press, Cambridge: MA
- Nelson, R. and S. Winter, 1982, "The Schumpeterian Tradeoff Revisited, American Economic Review, Vol. 72, No. 1, pp. 114-132.
- Railsback, Steven F., & Grimm, Volker. 2012. Agent-based and Individual-based Modeling. A practical introduction. Princeton University Press.
- Salle, I and M. Yildizoglu, "Efficient Sampling and Metamodeling for Computational Economic Models", Computational Economics, Volume 44, Issue 4, pp 507-536, 2014.
- Schelling, Thomas C. 2006. Micromotives and Macrobehavior. W.W. Norton.
- Vallée T., M. Yildizoglu, "Convergence in the Finite Cournot Oligopoly with Social and Individual Learning", Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 72, 670-690, 2009.
- Yildizoglu, M. "Reinforcing the patent system? Effects of patent fences and knowledge diffusion on the development of new industries, technical progress and social welfare", in Cantner, U., J.-L. Gaffard and L. Nesta (eds), "Schumpeterian Perspectives on Innovation, Competetion and Growth", Springer, 2009.