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This web page is the static version of the e-JEMED journal.

It contains all the articles that have been published in this journal before its destruction by an attack on the University's web server. Not being able to recover the journal after the attack, the ITC service deleted all files without restoring any backup.

I have recovered some of the information from my personal backups, but not all. At least, I think I have a decent copy of all the articles published in the journal's first and only three issues.

I am very grateful to all my colleagues who believed in this free journal, supported it as editors or by submitted their articles. Not all of them have been accepted and published, but I believe that the ones that were published were all significant and original contributions.

My duty was to restore as many of these contributions as possible and make them available to the public.

Murat Yildizoglu

You can find an original one-page presentation of this e-journal here.

Articles from all areas of economics were eligible to be published in e-JEMED if they were based on an evolutionary model.
An unordered, nonexclusive list of possible topics can be given:
  • Selection and evolutionary industry dynamics;
  • Evolutionary game theory;
  • Modelling bounded rationality and learning through
  • evolutionary algorithms;
  • Agent-based modeling of Complex Adaptive Systems.

Many eminent colleagues in this field have accepted to participate on its editorial board. I am very grateful to all of them (with their affiliation in that period):

  • Esben Sloth Andersen, IKE, Aalborg University, Danemark
  • Jasmina Arifovic, Simon Fraser University, Canada (We remember her dearly)
  • Gérard Ballot, ERMES, University of Paris II, France
  • Giovanni Dosi, Scuola Superiore Santa Anna, Pisa, Italy
  • Koen Frenken, Utrecht University, Netherland (Editor)
  • Alan Kirman, GREQAM, EHESS, Aix en Provence, France
  • Witold Kwasnicki, Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Franco Malerba, CESPRI, University of Bocconi, Italy
  • Stanley Metcalfe, PREST, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Han La Poutré, CWI, Amsterdam, Netherland (Editor)
  • Gerald Silverberg, MERIT, Maastricht, Netherland
  • Erol Taymaz, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Gisèle Umbhauer, BETA, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France (Editor)
  • Bart Verspagen, Eindhoven University of Technology and MERIT, Maastricht, Netherland (Editor)
  • Nick Vriend, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London, United Kingdom (Editor)