Institutions, Structural Change and Economic Growth
Université Bordeaux IV
Master 1 Applied economics
Murat Yildizoglu
Outline of the course
Chapter 1 - Introduction: A bird's eye view of long term economics growth - Slides
Chapter 2 - Why some countries are rich and some poor? The role of environmental conditions (Diamond, 1999) - Slides
Chapter 3 - Technology, industrial development and growth (Diamond 1999, J. Mokyr, 2003, 2008, 2010) - Slides
Chapter 4 - Mechanisms of political change and emergence of
democracy (Acemoglu 2009, Acemoglu and Robinson 2006, Ziblatt 2006) - Slides
Chapter 5 - Institutions and diversity of capitalisms (Hall and Soskice 2001; Boyer 2005) - Slides
Chapter - An application: Understanding the recent economic crisis (Streeck, 2011)
Chapter 7 - Conclusion: The possibility of catastrophes (Diamond, 2005)
Data sources
- Alan Heston, Robert Summers and Bettina Aten, Penn World Table Version 7,
Center for International Comparisons of Production, Income and Prices
at the University of Pennsylvania, September 2006. (library pwt in R-project)
- Angus Maddison, L’économie Mondial : Statistiques historiques, OCDE, 2003 (Maddison, 2003).
- World development indicators, World Bank (library WDI in R-project)
Allen, Robert C., 2011, Global Economic History. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press.
- Allen, Robert C., 2009, The British Industrial Revolution in a Global Perspective, Cambridge University Press.
- Acemoglu, Daron. 2009. Introduction to Modern Economic Growth. Princeton:NJ: Princeton University Press.
- Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson. 2006. Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Cambridge University Press.
- Acemoglu, Daron and James A. Robinson, ‘‘Why Africa is poor?’’, Economic History of Developing Regions, vol. 25, 2010.
- Bairoch, Paul. 1997. Victoires et déboires I-III. Folio Gallimard.
- Boyer, Robert. 2005. How and why capitalisms differ. Economy and Society, 34(4), 509–557.
- Diamond, Jared. 1999. Guns, Germs, and Steel. The Fates of Human Societies. London: Norton.
- Diamond, Jared. 2005. Collapse. How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. New York: Penguin Books.
- Hall, Peter A., & Soskice, David (eds). 2001. Varieties of
Capitalism, The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage.
Oxford University Press.
- Maddison, Angus. 2003. L’économie mondiale : Statistiques historiques. Paris: OCDE.
- Joel Mokyr. 2003. Why was the industrial revolution a european phenomenon? Supreme Court Economic Review, 10:27–63.
- Joel Mokyr. 2008. The institutional origins of the industrial revolution. In Elhanan Helpman, editor, Institutions and economic performance, chapter 2, pages 64–119. Harvard University Press.
- Joel Mokyr. 2010. The contribution of economic history to the study
of innovation and technical change: 1750–1914. In Bronwyn H. Hall and
Nathan Rosenberg, editors, Handbook of The Economics of Innovation, volume 1, chapter 2, pages 11–50. North-Holland, Oxford.
- Streeck, Wolfgang. 2011. The Crises Of Democratic Capitalism. New Left Review, 71, Sept/Oct 2011, 5-29.
- Ziblatt, Daniel. 2006. How did Europe Democratize? World Politics, 58 (2), 311-338.
Complements and links