Murat Yildizoglu
ETIC - October 1998
Holland, J.H. (1996). Hidden Order. How Adaptation Builds Complexity. Reading (MA): Addison-Wesley. (Complex Adaptive Systems-CAS)
Rosenberg, N. (1972) Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Technology Dynamics-TD)
Antonelli, C. (1997). The economics of path-dependence in industrial organization, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 15(6), 643-675. (TD)
Arthur, W.B. (1979). Competing Technologies, Increasing Returns and Lock-in by Small Historical Events. The Economic Journal, 99, 116--131. (TD)
Durlauf, S. (1991). Multiple Equilibria and Persistence in Aggregate Fluctuations. American Economic Review, 81, 70-74. (Diversity)
F�llmer, H. (1974). Random Economies with Many Interacting Agents. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 1, 51-62. (Diversity)
Foray, D. (1997). The dynamic implications of increasing returns: Technological change and path dependent inefficiency. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 15(6), 733-752. (TD)
Hraber, et al. (1996) The Ecology of Echo, Artificial Life. (CAS)
Jonard, N., and Yildizoglu, M. (1998). Sources of Technological Diversity. Strasbourg: mimeo, BETA. (Zipped Postscript) (TD + Diversity)
Kirman, A. (1992). Variety: the Coexistence of Techniques. Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 62-75. (Diversity)