Advanced Industrial Dynamics
Applied Economics Master Program, second year (research)
This course covers modern theories of industrial dynamics. It focuses on approaches that have strong inductive bases.
After a very introduction, the course will take the form of several
workshops where we will study and discuss articles that introduced the
main concepts about industrial dynamics. Following the schema given in
the header of this page, these concepts encompass a large scope of
economic mechanisms (going from firm behavior - very micro level - to
national and international economic conditions - macro).
Supporting articles are provided on this web site, but they are only available for the students.
1. Introduction
A very brief discussion of the main concepts and mechanisms. (25.09.2014)
2. Historical elements
- Arrow, K., 1959, Economic Welfare and the Allocation of Resources for Invention, RAND Corporation, Economic Division, P-1856-RC - Fiche de lecture
- A clean copy of the missing page (p. 19)
- Version on GoogleBooks
- Rosenberg, N., Problems in the economist's conceptualization of technological innovation, chap 4 in Rosenberg (1976)
- Rosenberg, N., Karl Marx on the economic role of science, chap. 7 in Rosenberg (1976) - Fiche de lecture
3. Firms behavior and bounded rationality
(16 et 23 .10.2014)
- Nelson R. and S. Winter, Organizational Capabilities and Behavior, chap 5 in Nelson & Winter(1984) - Fiche de lecture
- Coriat, B. and G. Dosi, 1998, Learning
how to Govern and Learning How to Solve Problems: On the Coevolution of
Competences, Conflicts and Organizational Routines, in The Dynamic Firm: The Role of Technology, Strategy, Organization, and Regions, A.D. Chandler, Jr. P. Hagström, and Ö. Sölvell (eds), Oxford University Press. - Fiche de lecture
4. Innovation and industrial dynamics
5. Determinants of technology dynamics
- Sectoral dimensions:
- Pavitt, K., 1984, Sectoral patterns of technical change: Towards a taxonomy and a theory, Research Policy, 13, 343-373 - Fiche de lecture
- Malerba, F., 2002, Sectoral systems of innovation and production, Research Policy, 31, 247–264
- Spatial and regional dimension of economic activities: Rallet, A. and A. Torre, 2005, Proximity and Localization, Regional Studies, Vol. 39.1, pp. 47–59 - Fiche de lecture
6. Institutions and regulation of industrial dynamics
- Boyer, R., 1988, Technical change and the theory of 'Regulation', chap 4 in Dosi et all (1988), Technical Change and Economic Theory, Pinter Publishers
- Coriat, B. and G. Dosi, 1998, The institutional Embeddedness of Economic Change: An Appraisal of the "Evolutionary" and "Regulationist" Research Programmes, in Institutions and Economic Change: New Perspectives on Markets, K. Nielsen and B. Johnson (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, 3-32.
Additional references :
Nelson, R. and S. Winter, 1984, An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, Belknapp Press, Cambridge: MA
Rosenberg, N., 1976, Perspectives on Technology, Cambridge University Press, London.
RahmouniM. and M. Yildizoglu, 2011,
Motivations et déterminants de l'innovation technologique : Un survol des théories moderne, Cahier du GREThA 2011-10.
Bélis-Bergouignan, M.-C., B. Jullien, Y. Lung, M. Yildizoglu (eds), 2011, Industries, Innovations, Institutions. Eléments de dynamique industrielle, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2011, 426p.
In particular :
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